AWR – Agency Worker Regulations
The what now?
So, in 2011, new rules came into effect to protect the rights of Agency Workers.
In essence, after 12 weeks, agency workers are entitled to receive most of the same benefits as a comparable employee; (so a person doing the same job) or as if they had been employed directly by the hirer aka end client. These “benefits” are items such as rates of pay, performance related bonuses, company benefits, and holiday entitlements.
We try to encourage the same rates of pay from day 1 however we do often need to increase a workers holiday accrual rate, to match the company wide schemes.
10 weeks into a temporary assignment , we starting gently nudging our clients to complete an AWR – Additional information form that confirms the agency worker is on the right deal.
As always, if you want more information about this topic, do give your Sunny representative a call!
You can also find out more formal information here: