Kicked into Touch!
22 March 2021
Have you heard of the Kickstart Scheme?
“The Kickstart Scheme provides funding to employers to create job placements for 16 to 24 year olds on Universal Credit”
From <>
Employers get a £1200 grant towards the persons set up costs (IT equipment, software, and license etc) and any training AND the cost of their wages for 25 HOURS PER WEEK for 6 MONTHS! Is covered *(this is covered at minimum or living wage and you may, like I did, choose to pay the person a little more)
Cor! My experience has been great!
I needed someone to join the team and was a little nervous that I wouldn’t get the candidate choice I wanted however – I got one all singing and dancing (well not literally) but with bells and whistles (again …not as such) but blooming eck what I am trying to say is she is fantastic! My candidate is really keen, has not let me down once and the quality of her work has been excellent!
My usual recruitment criteria of “aligns with company values” and “brings experience to the role” did have to go out of the window but if you have room to think outside the box, I would highly recommend you give the scheme a go.
My application went in early and did take a few months to be approved but I think now that the scheme is in full swing, yours should be processed fairly quickly.
There are many providers of the scheme in Wales: Heather at Pembrokeshire College handles ours and she has been brilliant. She has helped me understand the process and supported me throughout. She has even tolerated my barrage of daft questions and strange calls. I highly recommend her!
Heather Fitzgerald
The Employment Bureau Team
Biwro Cyflogaeth/Employment Bureau
Coleg Sir Benfro/Pembrokeshire College
Sir Benfro/Pembrokeshire SA61 1SZ
Ebost/email: [email protected]
Ffôn/phone: 01437 753463
And of course, if you ever need help recruiting and want stay “inside your box” ……Team Sunny are here to help!!