
Working From Home – How to have your cake and eat it!

Ever since the onset of COVID-19, the possibility of working from home has been thrust upon us being the only conceivable way to allow people to continue working. It’s re-invented job roles, positions within a company and made businesses question whether there is still a need to make that extra trip in the car for the next meeting.

Although, there have been upsides, fewer people have reported feeling stressed and anxious or tired from working long hours with minimal breaks coupled with impending ‘home-time’ traffic. It’s allowed for parents to be more present with their children and granted families and loved ones to be able to enjoy each others company. It’s provided an unprecedented level of flexibility and re-instated the possibility of a ‘work/life’ balance.

As much as this has provided the opportunity for people to spend more quality time together it’s also been an isolating experience for some. And some individuals make be feeling disconnected from their families, loved ones and work colleagues!

But, you may be asking yourself, And attain the ideal work/life balance?

By keeping in touch with your colleagues and line manager or boss, you will be able to gain some clarity on how you’re progressing within your role. Being proactive in engaging with your team will not ensure that nobody is left out in the dark and gives you that sense of team work. Scheduling regular daily calls with your team, such as first thing in the morning, allows for you to also sync up on priorities for the day and resolve any items needing urgent attention.

Treating your working from home situation as a real job will provide you with a more routine way of working. If your normal working hours are between 9:00am-5:00pm then using this same principle and sticking to it will give you stability and imitate if you were working from an office. As tempting as it might be for some people to work throughout the evening, it could lead to increased stress and a possible burn-out.

Our 10 Stress Relief Tips when WFH

Staying Focused

Staying focused is easier to do when you’re surrounded by a working environment, but working from home is simply a different experience. In some cases it can lead to more distractions and a decrease in productivity. But, to tackle this there are a few tips you can put in place;

Quarterly reviews. This is an opportunity to sit down and think about what you’ve achieved in those past three months but also what you could have done better and also plan for the following 3 months that lies ahead. This can be helpful for people who are self-employed or working from home.

Simply saying, ‘stay positive’ sounds easy, right? But without a plan of action and taking the appropriate steps to ensure that your mindset is positive then you can become overwhelmed with the thought of understanding how to develop a positive mindset. Taking five minutes to get up and go for a walk or putting the radio on and having a break can aid you in clearing your mind and re-focusing on the rest of your working day. Everyone has a different way of approaching a positive mindset?

Some of our favourites at Sunny are;

We hope that some of these tips allow you to manage a more successful work-life balance, whether you work remotely or not. It truly is possible to have your cake and eat it.